Friday, 25 July 2014


Girls and braids go hand in hand. The one thing which makes them happy is to sport a great hairdo and then blush when they get the feel good compliments..My girls are forever behind me to try out new styles..And I have to admit that I feel great when they tell me about the compliments they got..The other day my daughter's friend even recommended that I take a course in hairstyles!! Wow, isn't that a real confidence booster!!

Quite soon I will come up with some easy, quick and awesome hairstyles which I am sure will be real eye catchers!!

Thursday, 24 July 2014


My nephew Dhruv (Dudu) gave me this name "Pia" short for the south indian version of big mom "Periamma".. Awesome and super casual name, I just love being called Pia.. Sometime in the future, hope that Dhruv will read my blog (if I still blog??!!!) and feel happy about the fact that the name of this blog is his creation..!!! Thank you Dhruv for this!!!